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Westfields Sports High School

Westfields Sports High School

First In Australia

Bring Your Own Device - BYOD

Students at Westfields Sports High School are encouraged to bring their own laptop or tablet to school every day. The school makes recommendations as to the device model and specifications students may choose to bring. Mobile phones are not considered as BYOD.

Software will be required for devices. Some free software is available to all students, by the NSW Department of Education (NSW DoE).

Students and parents/caregivers are asked to;

1. Read the school’s “ICT Policy – Students”,

2. Read the school’s “BYOD Handbook”,

3. Read the school’s “Digital User Charter” and return to school filled out

Limited technical support is provided by the school. The school is not responsible for device repairs, maintenance and/or damages.

Westfields Sports High School is an ‘eSmart’ school.

ESmart is a nationally recognised model of best-practice digital citizenship education. It teaches students to be responsible online citizens and to use digital technologies ethically. Specific lessons are delivered to teach and reinforce the qualities of digital citizenship.