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Westfields Sports High School

Westfields Sports High School

First In Australia

Learning at our school

Find out more about what your child will learn at our school.

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum, Kindergarten to Year 12, for all NSW schools.

For the high school years, NESA develops syllabuses for all subjects in 8 key learning areas:

  • creative arts
  • English
  • human society and its environment (HSIE)
  • languages
  • mathematics
  • personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)
  • science
  • technological and applied studies (TAS).

NSW schools also offer special religious education and special education in ethics via approved providers, where available.

Like all NSW schools, we have developed teaching and learning programs to suit our local context and the needs of our students.

To learn more about the curriculum in NSW, visit:

Stages of learning

There are 6 stages of learning from Kindergarten to Year 12. High school covers Stages 4 to 6.

  • Stage 4 includes Years 7 and 8.
  • Stage 5 includes Years 9 and 10.
  • Stage 6 includes Years 11 and 12.

Homework centre

The homework centre operates three times a week from the school library:

  • Days – Tuesday to Thursday
  • Time – 3:06pm to 4:15pm.

Experienced teachers operate the centre, they can assist students with their homework and school assignments. Homework is seen as a vital part of learning and students can expect to have either assignments or homework in each of their subjects.

It is especially beneficial to those students looking for a quiet place to concentrate on their learning outside of their home or to those seeking help with a particular homework problem or their assignments.

Students are required to sign in to the homework centre before entering the library and will be supervised until 4:15PM before being escorted off school premises by one of the supervising teachers. Students are also required to maintain school rules and expectations, work quietly and use the library resources respectfully and appropriately.

For more information please contact the learning centre at 02 9604 3333.

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