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Westfields Sports High School

Westfields Sports High School

First In Australia

Telephone02 9604 3333


Subject selection

A message to students

You are advised to select your elective subjects carefully after reading this package thoroughly, talking to your teachers and discussing it with your parents. It is very unwise to choose a subject just because your friend has chosen it or you like the teacher. A friend’s interests and abilities may be quite different to your own and the teacher may not be the one taking your class next year. What you should consider before selecting a subject is whether you like that type of work, whether you are good at that subject and whether it matches your general interests.  All subjects will give you knowledge and skills that will benefit you in a future career.

A message to parents/carers

Parents/Carers have a pivotal role in the subject selection process as an adviser to their children. While you are aware of your child’s many talents and abilities and may be tempted to dictate their subject choice, this is generally not advised as it may lead to failure and future issues.

Your child should be encouraged to seek as much information about the various subjects on offer as is possible and then discuss this with you as their parent. Guidance through the process should certainly be given by parents with an emphasis being placed on directing your child to subjects that reflect their interests which are likely to develop their innate talents.

It is best to discourage them following a friend into a subject that is obviously unsuitable as this may lead to complications at a later stage. It is also important to reinforce that subjects at this stage of secondary school are more about developing general skills rather than preparation for a specific career.


Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Director of Sport



Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA)
Home Economics
Industrial Arts
Secondary Studies
Social Science
Wellbeing - TSP
Teaching and Learning - Students
Teaching and Learning - Staff

School Counsellors

Year 8 Advisor
Assistant Year 8 Advisor

Year 10 Advisor
Assistant Year 10 Advisor

Timetable Coordinator


Mr. A. Rogers
Mr. D. Barrett
Ms. D. Zanet
Ms. C. Gagic
Mr. A. Larkin
Ms. J. Kenny


Mr. C. King
Mr. V. Profilio
Ms. M. Holden
Ms. J. Deligiorgakis
Ms. K. Padovan (R)
Ms. M. Kanellos
Mr. M. Hoad
Ms. L. Zappia (R)
Mr. P. Prasad
Ms. K. Bennett (R)
Mr. N. Roby
Ms. R. Sowaid (R)
Ms. E. Kimbel
Mr. D. Footit
Mr. T. Weeden (R)
Mr. B. Mathison
Mr. M. Bennett

Mr. R. Brown
Ms. L. Nguyen
Ms. J. Driscoll

Ms. J. Roberts
Mr. B. Ovington

Mr. J. Broadbent  
Ms. A. McCullloch

Mr. W. Nguyen

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