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Westfields Sports High School

Westfields Sports High School

First In Australia

Schooling costs

School Associated Costs

School associated costs include, but are not limited to:

  • uniforms
  • school books and equipment
  • excursions/incursions
  • Talented Sport Program representation costs
  • sporting events
  • extra-curricular activities.

School Fees

All school fees, including subject, elective and Talented Sporting Program (TSP) fees are issued to all families, via School Bytes, at the beginning of each term.

Subject/Elective Fees

Some subjects/electives require fees to cover the costs of materials used by your child.

Talented Sport Program Fees

Talented Sport Program (TSP) fee schedules are emailed to families at the beginning of each year, via School Bytes.

Students must be financial in order to be considered to represent the school.

Voluntary School Contributions

Voluntary school contributions allow the school to enhance our educational and sporting programs.



Payment plans may be considered where financial difficulties are being experienced by contacting the school.

Your prompt payment of all fees is appreciated by the school.