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Westfields Sports High School

Westfields Sports High School

First In Australia



Mr Dan Suchy

Coaching Staff

  • Mr Denis Knowles (Throws) - Level 4
  • Ms Christie Baker (Throws) - Level 2
  • Mr Brett Mathison (Middle Distance) - Level 2
  • Mr Dan Suchy (Sprints & Hurdles) - Level 4
  • Mr Shane Castlereagh (Jumps) - Level 2
  • Mr Leo Dulay (Jumps) - Level 2

Competition Schedule

  • Westfields Sports Athletics
  • Westfields Sports Cross Country
  • Sydney South West Regional Athletics
  • Sydney South West Regional Cross Country
  • NSW All Schools Knockout
  • NSWCHS State Athletics
  • NSWCHS State Cross Country
  • NSW All Schools State Athletics
  • Australian All Schools National Athletics
  • Australian All Schools Knockout
  • Various Athletics NSW competitions (for club members)

Learning from Home

Students have been provided codes by email to join Google Classroom. Work & training programs are posted for completion. 

Year 7 & 8 Athletics


Year 9 Athletics:


Year 10 Athletics (10ASATH7): 


Year 11 & 12 Athletics:


Risk Assessment

Please see our Athletics Risk Assessment for the steps our school takes to ensure safety in participation.